Detoxification, sometimes also called
cleansing, involves the removal of toxins from the body. This process is considered by many to be a very important part of medical treatment.
Detoxification can be accomplished through variety of approaches, including colon
fasting, chelation,
water therapy, heat
therapy, and nutritional, herbal, and homeopathic methods.
Max Gerson introduced coffee into the colon
cleansing procedure, which causes the liver to release stored up toxins into the
digestive system to be eliminated. But simpler methods, such as increasing your water intake, may also be an effective way to rid the body of toxins.
Detoxification may involve perspiration, induced by exercise or saunas, and the use of diuretics to remove excess fluids from the body. Purging (vomiting), bloodletting, and skin stimulation also have been used to detoxify the body.