Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Treating burns

First aid and other good advice

Amplify’d from www.altmeds.com



Burns result when exposure to a high temperature damages one or more layers of the skin. Sunburns or contact with a hot surface can cause a first-degree burn, resulting in redness and pain in the outermost layer of skin. First aid includes cooling the area as quickly as possible by submerging it in cool water or applying cold compresses. Do not apply butter or any greasy substance. In most first-degree burns, redness and pain will continue to increase for several hours; cooling the area can stop that progression. Aloe vera gel can help skin recover, as can a number of herbal remedies. Lightly cover a first-degree burn with a sterile dressing to prevent infection while it heals.

Second- and third-degree burns result in blistering and the destruction of more than the surface layer of skin. Scalding liquids, hot grease, and severe sunburns can cause second-degree burns. Most third-degree burns occur in house fires or industrial accidents. Both second- and third-degree burns may become medical emergencies with serious and potentially deadly consequences.

Do not attempt to treat serious burns at home. Do not break open burn blisters or use butter or any herbal remedies on second-degree burns. Consult a physician immediately. A third-degree burn is a serious medical emergency; the burn victim may require resuscitation and life support. Call for emergency help immediately.
Read more at www.altmeds.com

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