Are you getting enough?
A water-soluble vitamin, Choline assists in nerve transmission and utilization of fat and hormone production. It also helps maintain normal kidney and bladder function Choline is found in egg yolk, milk, meat, legumes, and whole grain cereals. It is most effective when taken with Vitamin A, B-Complex, B-12, Folic Acid, and Inositol. Choline helps lower cholesterol, transferring nerve impulse to the brain, guards against memory loss and senile dementia, and assists the liver in removing poisons and drugs from the bloodstream. Diseases prevented by the therapeutic benefits of choline include: headache, head injury, hemiplegia (paralysis due to stroke), memory loss, neurological dysfunction, seizure, stroke, and tardive dyskinesia (involuntary muscle movement). (Information from the Herbal Information Center & Vitamin Directory).
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