Thursday, September 1, 2011

Neosporin or no?

Readers discuss whether it's smart to use antibiotic ointments.

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Antibiotic cream

I believe in natural remedies but I still think Neosporin (I get the generic equivalent) is a good idea for scrapes because it makes them heal so fast.

RE: Antibiotic cream

I think a lot of people use those ointments and since they're on the outside of the body, they're not really changing your body's inner chemistry.

RE: Antibiotic cream

My naturopath says just wash scrapes with mild soap and cover with clean bandage, keep it clean and dry. Then you don't need chemicals on your skin.

RE: Antibiotic cream

My naturopath says just wash scrapes with mild soap and cover with clean bandage, keep it clean and dry. Then you don't need chemicals on your skin.

I'd still rather use Neosporin. Why not get the benefit of science?



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