Sunday, July 31, 2011

Iridology: The eyes speak

And they talk about your health.

Amplify’d from

Interview with Iridologist

Susan Laing is a Naturopathic Iridologist and is based in Leeds, England UK. She also specializes in Raw Food and runs workshops. Susan is also training to become an Ashtanga Yoga teacher.

David Hestrin: What is an iridologist?

Susan Laing: In the hands of a really well trained iridologist, we can look at the frontal aspect of the eye, which means it`s the iris we`re looking at and the dynamics of the pupil and also the sclera. And when we look at this part of the eye with a certain amount of magnification (times sixty) on the iriscope, and we`re able to take photographs - hopefully we`re able to tell quite a lot about a person. And when we see quite a lot about a person - we mean that we can tell about the physical aspect of the body and also the emotional and spiritual side of the body, and it`s a lot of clues you can use if you`re hoping to treat somebody with imbalances in the body. So you`re able to choose the right herbs, and we`re able to choose the right nutrition for that person, and we`re able to pick up food intolerances and also vitamins and mineral deficiencies and so on. So it`s also used as a preventative measure. So iridology is really a diagnostic. It really helps to diagnose imbalances in the body.

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